When High Pay Meets Health Payoff

The Hidden Health Toll on Software Engineers and How AI Can Foster Healthier Habits

Romesh Niriella
4 min readJul 5, 2023

The High-Stakes Profession

Software engineering is a lucrative profession. Engineers’ skilled work and long hours fetch them high pay. But this high pay often comes at a cost. That cost is health.

Software engineers spend a lot of their time sitting. They sit to code, to debug, to plan, and even to collaborate with colleagues. A day in their life involves hours of static posture. This can lead to back pains, neck pains, shoulder pains — and a whole list of other physical ailments.

It feels great to build virtual systems because they are complex and uses are chaotic. It follows a pattern of markets and politics. Rather than dealing with natural world it feels much safer to sit at home, coding, fixing problems, putting out fires on the virtual systems’ we’ve built because internet users are screaming at us for more power!!!. It feels great to see smooth transaction flows without a hitch. It feels great to have a fat bank account. However, it does not feel great when your degraded health demands frequent doctor visits.

The Hazard of Sedentary Work

Sedentary work isn’t the only problem. With the pressures of deadlines, it’s easy to forget to move around. To neglect stretching. To disregard simple exercises. In the rush to deliver, movement becomes a luxury.

Unhealthy eating habits also come into play. When you’re buried in code, it’s convenient to reach for a can of soda. It’s easy to opt for sugary snacks over healthier options. This can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and other health issues.



Romesh Niriella

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